Tor Wallet

Tor Wallet

1What is Tor Wallet ?

Tor Wallet is a groundbreaking EVM-compatible wallet offering enhanced privacy through its built-in Tor integration. Unlike conventional wallets, Tor Wallet ensures user IP addresses and transactions remain anonymous, utilizing the Tor network to protect against tracking and censorship. It supports popular blockchains like BNB, ETH, and Avalanche, and introduces unique features like anonymous transfers, wallet transfer bonuses, and bulk sending. Tor Wallet’s approach to privacy includes custom protocol implementations and an open-source commitment, aiming to set a new standard in secure and private crypto transactions.

Tor Wallet is dedicated to enhancing user security and privacy in the cryptocurrency world. It achieves this by addressing and refining critical concerns within established protocols, developing custom solutions tailored to its unique wallet system. This commitment to security is complemented by a transparent, open-source approach, ensuring users can independently verify the integrity of the wallet’s software. By prioritizing user trust and engagement, Tor Wallet sets a new standard in the secure and private management of crypto assets.

2. Token Sales and Economics

Token NameTor Wallet
Token SymbolTor
Token Decimal18
Total Supply1,000,000
Holder Count179
Contract Address0xBFFc63Cf0e844274a9092620a50a15eAb952EC04
Contract Verified?Yes
Project’s Age1 month, 42 days, 13 hours
Contract TypeBEP20
Sol LicenseMIT
Contract NameTORWallet
Contract CreatedFeb-13-2024 02:57:59 PM +UTC
Contract LanguageSolidity
Allocation – Presale47.2%
Allocation – Liquidity22.8%
Allocation – Hold To Earn10%
Allocation – Advisory Board5%
Allocation – In Wallet Staking5%
Allocation – Wallet Farms5%
Allocation – Strategic Funds3%
Allocation – Team Funds1.5%

3. Roadmap and Updates

Q3 2023 : Launch a mobile app on both the App Store (iOS) and Play Store (Android)

Q2 2024 : Incorporation of on-chain privacy through cutting-edge protocols like Railgun, Aztec, or zkBob, enabling private transactions within the blockchain.

Q4 2024 : Torwallet Snaps will provide users with additional features while maintaining the highest standards of security.

4. Community




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