Texas Token

Texas Token

1What is Texas Token ?

The Texas Token is a community-focused cryptocurrency with no team tokens, a low market cap, and a low tax rate. It emphasizes transparency with a renounced contract and locked liquidity pool. The token has gained attention on platforms like DEXTools and engages in extensive Telegram and Twitter marketing. The backdrop of this token involves concerns over increasing refugee numbers at the Texas-Mexico border, with state actions intensifying to control the situation. The token’s narrative is intertwined with the current socio-political climate regarding border control and immigration.

2. Token Sales and Economics

Token NameTexas Token
Token SymbolTEXAS
Token Decimal18
Total Supply1,000,000,000
Holder Count2
Contract Address0x9D0EED4e72d5345B53Ec444C5Fc94e9cBAA2b3BE
Contract Verified?Yes
Project’s Age1 month, 34 days, 13 hours
Contract TypeBEP20
Sol LicenseMIT
Contract NameTexasToken
Contract CreatedFeb-21-2024 02:06:43 PM +UTC
Contract LanguageSolidity
Allocation – Liquidity17%
Allocation – Public Sale33%
Allocation – Burnt49%
Allocation – Unlocked1%

3. Roadmap and Updates


4. Community




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