
1What is BNBScooby ?

BNBScooby positions itself as a community-centric meme token within the Binance Smart Chain (BSC) ecosystem. As meme tokens are often created for and fueled by their community support, BNBScooby emphasizes its aim to bring enjoyment to its investors. Its identity as a ‘joy-bringing dog’ is emblematic of the light-hearted nature of many meme tokens, which can be an appealing narrative for a community looking to engage with the cryptocurrency in a more casual manner.

Market Timing and Development Strategy

The launch of BNBScooby appears to be strategically timed to capitalize on what the team perceives as an “exciting market moment.” The implication is that BNBScooby intends to harness the momentum of the market’s uptrend, suggesting a focus on short-term market movements. However, the sustainability of such tokens often relies on long-term development and consistent community engagement beyond the initial hype.

Collaboration and Ecosystem Growth

BNBScooby’s goal to “Make BSC Great Again” by connecting with other projects suggests an intention to foster collaborations within the BSC platform. This collaborative approach could be beneficial, as networking within the ecosystem can create synergies and potentially lead to increased visibility and utility for the token.

Community Benefits and Developer Collaboration

The emphasis on community benefits indicates that BNBScooby aims to create value for its holders. By advocating for a “close connection between developers on BSC,” the project hints at a collective effort to enhance the token’s standing and deliver on its promises to investors. The success of this initiative will likely depend on the developers’ ability to create tangible benefits and effective strategies that align with the interests of the token holders.


BNBScooby presents itself as a meme token that seeks to integrate enjoyment and investment on the BSC platform, leveraging market trends and community spirit. The token’s potential lies in its ability to maintain investor interest and establish meaningful collaborations within the BSC ecosystem. As with all meme tokens, the viability and longevity of BNBScooby will hinge on the sustained commitment of its community and the strategic execution of its developmental roadmap.

2. Token Sales and Economics

Token Information
Token NameBNBScooby
Token Decimal18
Total Supply9,202,000,000,000
Holder Count214
Contract Address0x7A54e999E5eE19B9D3aE847d5870f8e32dFe838E
Contract Details
Contract Verified?Yes
Project’s Age8 days, 15h, 17m
Contract TypeBEP20
Sol LicenseMIT
Contract NameBNBScooby
Contract CreatedNov-19-2023 03:51:27 PM +UTC
Contract LanguageSolidity
Related Audit0 Available
BNBScooby Lab10%
Buy Back2%

3. Roadmap and Updates


  • BNBScooby Idea
  • Building Smart Contracts
  • Website Launch
  • Community Building (Twitter, Telegram)
  • Audit Smart Contract
  • Presale Marketing
  • Presale On PinkSale


  • Launched on Pancakeswap Trending On DEXS Marketing
  • Listing On CMC/CGK
  • Buyback Plan Announcement Cooperate with Projects on BSC
  • Community Events
  • Reach 1,000 Holders


  • Expanding Multi-Platform
  • Marketing
  • Increase visibility on live platforms
  • 2nd Audit By Certik
  • 1st CEX Listing

4. Community




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