
1What is TrumpBull ?

TrumpBull is a crypto meme project inspired by Donald Trump, aiming to blend humor, creativity, and political satire in the cryptocurrency space. It’s a community-driven initiative that leverages memes to unite and engage participants, celebrating the convergence of technology, finance, and pop culture. The platform is designed for a diverse audience, including investors, blockchain enthusiasts, and those who appreciate humor.

2. Token Sales and Economics

Token NameTrumpBull
Token SymbolTrump
Token Decimal18
Total Supply20,242,028
Holder Count1025
Contract Address0xD3e18a5c295590dEaAA98720ac8cB38Af79c0a12
Contract Verified?Yes
Project’s Age12 days, 6 hours, 59 minutes
Contract TypeBEP20
Sol LicenseMIT
Contract NameTrumpBull
Contract CreatedMar-13-2024 08:06:23 PM +UTC
Contract LanguageSolidity

3. Roadmap and Updates

Quarter 1: Build the foundation (Q1)

Conduct Explosive Market Research
Define Electrifying Brand Identity
Ignite Social Media Presence & Website Development
Spark Token Development & Compliance Processes
Amplify Team Expansion with Bright Minds
Establish Thunderous Community Forums & Communication Channels
Craft Stunning Marketing & Promotional Materials

Quarter 2: Token Launch and Community Building (Q2)

Unleash Thunderous Tokenomics Model & Distribution Plan
Launch Spectacular Referral Program & Token Sale Event
Secure Listings on Major Exchanges with Thunderclap Announcements
Cultivate Energetic Community Engagement with Electric AMAs & Contests
Illuminate Local Meetups & Events with Lightning Excitement
Energize Bug Bounty Program to Safeguard the Kingdom
Forge Strategic Partnerships & Form Unstoppable Alliances

Quarter 3: Platform Development and Innovation (Q3)

Gather Roaring User Feedback for Platform Enhancements
Implement Thrilling Gamification Elements & NFT Integration
Launch Educational Initiatives to Empower Crypto Enthusiasts
Empower the Community with Lightning-Fast Governance Features
Expand Reach with Multi-Chain Support & Interoperability
Introduce Staking & Farming Opportunities for Explosive Growth

Quarter 4: Expansion and Sustainability (Q4)

Establish Thunderous Community Support Team for 24/7 Support
Launch Localized Versions to Conquer International Markets
Initiate Exciting Token Buyback & Burn Program to Fuel Momentum Conduct Thorough Security Audit & Implement Fortified Updates Expand Territories with Thunderous Global Events & Partnerships Ignite Charitable Initiatives & Sustainable Growth Initiatives
Review Roadmap with Enthusiastic Community Participation

4. Community




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