
Explore SafeLunar: A secure, Ethereum-based meme token with locked liquidity, comprehensive audits, and a community-focused ethos.

1What is SafeLunar ?

SafeLunar is an Ethereum-based decentralized meme token that positions itself as a secure and trustworthy lunar journey in the cryptocurrency space. The project’s core focus is on providing investors with a safe and reliable investment opportunity in the volatile world of cryptocurrencies.

Investor-Centric Approach: SafeLunar distinguishes itself by adopting an investor-centric perspective in its development and operations. The team behind the project takes the role of investors seriously, aiming to meet the criteria that they themselves would expect from a sound investment. This approach underscores their commitment to creating a project that prioritizes security, trust, and growth potential.

Security & Transparency: The pillars of SafeLunar’s commitment to security and transparency include:

  1. Beginner-Friendly Code: SafeLunar’s code is designed to be beginner-friendly, ensuring accessibility while prioritizing security. This approach is welcoming to both seasoned investors and those new to the crypto space.
  2. Ownership Renouncement: Prior to launch, SafeLunar has renounced ownership, a significant step in demonstrating the project’s commitment to decentralization and eliminating any potential conflicts of interest.
  3. Locked Liquidity: Liquidity has been locked for a year, further enhancing the security of the project and instilling confidence in investors that the project’s funds are safeguarded.
  4. Audit Partnerships: SafeLunar has established partnerships with reputable audit firms, including SolidProof, BlockSAFU, and Revoluzion. These audit partners conduct thorough assessments of the project’s code and security measures to ensure its integrity.
  5. KYC Verification: Collaborating with PinkSale for KYC (Know Your Customer) verification adds an additional layer of trust and compliance to the project, assuring investors that regulatory standards are being met.

SafeLunar’s approach to security and transparency aligns with best practices in the crypto industry, and their commitment to these principles is clearly outlined. While it’s important to conduct thorough due diligence when considering any investment, SafeLunar’s efforts to prioritize safety and trust are commendable and provide a strong foundation for the project’s success in the cryptocurrency market.

2. Token Sales and Economics

100B Total Supply

67.5% Tokens for Presale

22.5% Tokens for LP

10% Tokens for CEX

Liquidity Lock: Liquidity Locked for 365 Days (1 Year)

3. Roadmap and Updates

Phase 1

  • Pre-Launch Marketing
  • PinkSale Pre-Sale
  • Post-Launch Marketing
  • SafeLunar Launch

Phase 2

  • Marketing Campaign
  • Partnerships
  • 5000+ Holders
  • Certik Audit

Phase 3

  • Top Tier CEXs
  • 10000+ Holders
  • Expand Partnerships
  • 100m$ MarketCap

4. Community




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