Rexx Coin

Explore Rexx Coin: Leveraging BSC to offer decentralized solutions in gaming, finance, and supply chain management.

What is Rexx Coin ?

Rexx is a comprehensive blockchain-based ecosystem, leveraging the Binance Smart Chain (BSC) for its operations. It is designed to offer decentralized solutions across various industries like gaming, finance, and supply chain management.


  1. Decentralized Nature: With its distributed node network, Rexx ensures reduced risks of network failure, enhancing reliability.
  2. Versatility: The ecosystem doesn’t confine itself to one niche, offering broad utility across multiple sectors.
  3. Innovative Applications: The development of a range of decentralized apps (dApps) like ReXXpay, ReXXverse, and others promises diverse functionality and utility.
  4. Utility Token: The Rexx coin, integral to the ecosystem, fuels transactions and services, offering multifaceted use cases.

Mission and Vision Rexx’s mission focuses on empowering individuals and businesses through secure, user-friendly blockchain solutions, aiming for widespread blockchain adoption and understanding in varied sectors.

Unique Selling Points

  • Rexx’s expansive ecosystem stands out by not limiting itself to a single niche, providing comprehensive blockchain solutions under one umbrella.
  • The use of BSC ensures fast, cost-effective transactions, which is vital for the efficiency of its diverse applications.

Token Sales and Economics

Token NameRexx Coin
Token SymbolRexx
Token Decimal18
Total Supply700,000,000
Holder Count7755
Contract Address0x1C07B56d1765D15Aa9d28C5e6cfe2cC2A765b27b
Contract Verified?Yes
Project’s Age5 months, 174 days, 12h
Contract TypeBEP20
Sol LicenseMIT
Contract NameRexxCoin
Contract CreatedAug-09-2023 03:19:50 PM +UTC
Contract LanguageSolidity
Related Audit0

Roadmap and Updates

Q1 2023

  • Finalize the project concept and define its goals.
  • Draft a comprehensive whitepaper outlining the project, technology, team, tokenomics, and the problem it aims to solve.
  • Consult with legal experts to ensure compliance with relevant regulations in the jurisdictions you plan to operate in.
  • Determine if any licenses or registrations are required.

Q2 2023

  • Define the token’s utility and purpose within the ecosystem.
  • Assemble a strong team with expertise in blockchain, development, and operations.
  • Complete development of Rexx Coin, our native utility token, on Binance Smart Chain.
  • Secure experienced advisors who can guide the project. Launch a professional website detailing the project information.

Q3 2023

  • Start the Private Sale with a defined start and end date.
  • Assemble a strong team with expertise in blockchain marketing.
  • Complete the auditing of smart contract.
  • Implement Know Your Customer (KYC) procedure to ensure a compliant project.
  • Start the first phase of presale with a defined start and end date.
  • Update the project roadmap based on achieved mile stones and new objectives.
  • Update the Whitepaper 2.0 version.

Q4 2023

  • Start the second phase of presale with a defined start and end date
  • Start the third phase of presale with a defined start and end date
  • Build communities using the different contest and programs
  • Conduct AMA program with Binance
  • Partnerships and Alliances with other blockchain
  • projects, influencers, and industry leaders

Q1 2024 – Foundation and Development of ReXXchange and ReXXpress ReXXchange (Dex & Swap)

  • Develop the foundational architecture.
  • Start the Last phase of presale with a defined start and end date.
  • Initiate user interface and user experience design.
  • Start the IDO sale with a defined start and end date. Incorporate preliminary security measures.
  • ReXXpress (Blockchain Decentralized Crypto News Portal)
  • Start the IEO sale with a defined start and end date.
  • Begin content partnerships for crypto news.
  • Design an interactive user interface.
  • Start development of transparent reporting protocols. List ReXX Coins on DEX and CEX.

Q2 2024 – Beta Testing and Launch of ReXXchange; Development of ReXXverse

  • Introduce advanced security protocols.
  • Start beta testing for token swapping functionalities.
  • Launch for the community and early adopters.
  • ReXXverse (Web3 & 3D Game):
  • Initiate the design of the game environment.
  • Begin development of Web3 protocols.
  • Start integrating blockchain elements for in-game assets.

Q3 2024-Launch of ReXXpress; Beta Testing of ReXXverse; Development of ReXXconnect

Implement community-driven content curation. Launch the full version for public access.


  • Start beta testing in a controlled environment.
  • Refine the in-game blockchain mechanics based on feedback.
  • ReXXconnect (Centralized Exchange)
  • Gather regulatory requirements for centralized exchanges.
  • Initiate the design of the user interface.
  • Start backend development and server setup.

Q4 2024 – Launch of ReXXverse; Development and Testing of ReXXconnect


  • Soft launch for community members
  • Engage the community for continuous improvements


  • Beta testing for trading functionalities.
  • Implement a feedback mechanism for user experience optimization.

Q1 2025-Launch of ReXXconnect; Development of ReXXplorer and ReXXVault

  • ReXXconnect
  • Launch for the public.
  • ReXXplorer (Decentralized World Map)
  • Source global blockchain activity data. Develop an interactive map interface ReXXVault (Decentralized Wallet)
  • Start development on multi-cryptocurrency support. Design a user-centric interface.

Q2 2025 – Beta Testing of ReXXplorer and ReXXVault; Development of ReXXchain


  • Launch the interactive map in beta.
  • Improve blockchain activity tracking.


  • Release a beta version for community testing
  • ReXXchain (Decentralized Supply Chain Management System)
  • Establish partnerships with supply chain stakeholders
  • Initiate development of the transparency module

Q3 2025-Launch of ReXXplorer and ReXXVault; Beta Testing of ReXXchain; Development of ReXXpay


  • Soft launch for select users


  • Launch for the public


  • Conduct trials with supply chain stakeholders
  • ReXXpay (Decentralized Gaming Industry Payment Solutions)
  • Source partnerships with gaming platforms
  • Begin developing the universal payment gateway











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