
PerForm coin, a Web3.0 innovator, integrates virtual worlds with user empowerment, leveraging AIGC for digital content creation in the metaverse and beyond.

1What is Perform ?

PerForm emerges as a transformative entity within the Web3.0 landscape, embodying the vision of driving innovation through advanced technology. Positioned as a coin that extends beyond conventional paradigms, PerForm orchestrates an immersive realm where virtual worlds blend seamlessly with the potential for user empowerment. Through a meticulously designed PF system, PerForm introduces unique virtual personas, shaping a narrative that unites metaverse elements, 3D dimensions, and the pioneering DID digital identity system. As users engage with this groundbreaking platform, they find themselves crafting avatars that resonate in the digital tapestry, transcending mere transactions to become integral participants in a novel digital narrative. At its core, PerForm is driven by the power of AIGC (Artificial Intelligence-Generated Content), offering automatic digital content creation across domains such as animation, dance, music, expressions, lip-sync, and binding. This multifaceted approach positions PerForm as a beacon of innovation, inviting users to venture into a Web3.0 journey that redefines what a “coin” truly represents.

2. Token Sales and Economics

Token Information

Certainly! Here’s the information presented in a table format:

Token SymbolPF
Token Decimal18
Total Supply100,000,000
Holder Count113
Contract Address0x8EE2e596457702b0896317F122D66681759F8E3b
Contract VerifiedYes
Projects Age1 months, 30 days, 17h
Contract TypeBEP20
Sol LicenseMIT
Contract NameStandardToken
Contract CreatedAug-05-2023 03:12:14 PM +UTC
Contract LanguageSolidity
Related AuditAvailable

Owner & Deployer Information

Owner Address0x8EE2e596457702b0896317F122D66681759F8E3b
Owner Balance0
Owner Percent0%
Deployer Address0x8EE2e596457702b0896317F122D66681759F8E3b
Deployer Balance26,932,254
Deployer Percent27%

3. Roadmap and Updates


-Completion of R&D work

-Pre-seed funding from investors

-Launch information on official website

-More than 20 partnerships

-Developing community

-Access to industry-leading consultants



-Influencer Collaboration

-Confirm Launchpad Partnerships

-CMC/CG List

-Eco-Application Development

-NFT Development Design

-Concert Development

-10,000 Telegraphers

-Confirmation of market maker


-Top DEX list

–CEX Ranking

-Activate Partnerships

-VR/3D Development


-NFT Distribution

-Accelerate building our meta-universe

4. Community



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