$NORMIE is a memecoin on the BNB Chain offering NFT rewards and a 5% transaction fee, focusing on community engagement and growth.

1What is NORMIE ?

The $NORMIE token, also known by its rallying call “Normies Back,” is a new cryptocurrency that seeks to capitalize on the current enthusiasm in the crypto market. With a promise of integrating NFTs and fostering a strong community around it, $NORMIE is looking to establish its place in the crypto economy.

Token Details

$NORMIE operates on the BNB Chain, which is known for its efficiency and low transaction costs. The token has a fixed supply of 100 million, a number that suggests a potential for value appreciation if demand grows. However, the fixed supply also means that any changes in demand will be directly reflected in the token’s price, for better or worse.

Transaction Fees and NFT Rewards

The token has a transaction fee of 5% for both buying and selling, a mechanism often used to provide stability to a token’s economy or fund project developments. On the incentivization front, $NORMIE offers NFTs to buyers exceeding a certain threshold in token purchase, which can be an enticing factor for larger investors or those interested in digital collectibles.

Market Strategy and Promotion

$NORMIE’s promotional material is filled with optimistic language that may appeal to potential investors looking for the next “big thing” in crypto. However, this same enthusiasm could be seen as overly optimistic, given the highly speculative nature of cryptocurrency investments.

Smart Contract Considerations

The $NORMIE smart contract address is provided for transparency, allowing tech-savvy investors to review the code. However, no mention is made of an audit or other security measures, which are crucial in verifying the integrity and long-term viability of a cryptocurrency.

Investment Implications

The appeal to join in and “print cash” with $NORMIE suggests a potential for high rewards but should be balanced with the understanding that high returns in crypto often come with high risk. The community focus implies that success may hinge on continued and growing support from investors, which can be unpredictable.

Concluding Assessment

In conclusion, while $NORMIE’s marketing efforts and NFT integration present an alluring prospect, the token’s success is by no means guaranteed. Prospective investors should approach with caution, consider the market’s volatility, and perform their due diligence before committing funds. As with any cryptocurrency, the journey with $NORMIE could be lucrative, but it’s equally important to be prepared for the possibility of a different outcome.

2. Token Sales and Economics

Presale Address0xe0Baa0fA3D49527C6c67b2811b88f60992f31168
Token NameNormies Back
Token SymbolNORMIES
Token Decimals18
Token Address0xC8fA933173a2E0080F0d87465d22d2a29d599C27
(Do not send BNB to the token address!)
Total Supply100,000,000 NORMIES
Tokens For Presale99,999 NORMIES
Tokens For Liquidity48,449.5155 NORMIES
Initial Market Cap (estimate)$359
Soft Cap1 BNB
Presale Start Time2023.11.14 18:00 (UTC)
Presale End Time2023.11.16 18:00 (UTC)
Listing OnPancakeswap
Liquidity Percent51%
Liquidity Lockup Time60 days after pool ends

3. Roadmap and Updates

Q4 2023

Conceptualization and Development

  • Develop the concept and business model.
  • Assemble the core development team and advisors.
  • Develop the native $NORMIE token smart contract.
  • Conduct a security audit of the $NORMIE smart contract.

Q4 2023

Pre-Launch and Testing

  • Design and develop the Normie platform’s user interface and experience.
  • Conduct alpha and beta testing of the platform.
  • Conduct a second security audit.
  • Begin marketing initiatives and community building.

Q4 2023

Initial Token Offering and Platform Launch

  • Launch the $NORMIE PreSale.
  • Public launch of the Normie platform.
  • Users can start staking NORMIE tokens.
  • Begin first phase of partnerships with other DeFi platforms.

Q1 2024

Growth and Expansion

  • Introduce additional features and upgrades based on user feedback.
  • Increase marketing initiatives to drive user adoption.
  • Establish more partnerships with leading DeFi platforms.
  • Conduct regular audits to ensure the platform’s security and performance.

Q2 2024

Consolidation and Future Development

  • Enhance the scalability of the NORMIE platform to accommodate growing user base.
  • Explore and develop additional uses for NORMIE within the ecosystem.
  • Begin development of mobile applications for iOS and Android.
  • Regular review and updates of the platform’s tokenomics to ensure sustainability and competitiveness.

Q3 2024

Towards a Greener Future

  • Release of mobile applications.
  • Implementation of user-suggested features and improvements.
  • Continual growth of the Normie ecosystem through partnerships and collaborations.
  • Reinvestment of profits to continually grow and improve the platform.

4. Community




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