

1What is Memetron ?

Welcome to Memetron, the home of innovative meme token on the Binance Smart Chain. Our mission is to bring laughter, creativity, and excitement to the world of cryptocurrencies. Inspired by popular internet memes, Memetron offers a unique and engaging experience for our community. 0% team tokens, fair launch, NFT mint, Passive yield, low tax

2. Token Sales and Economics

Presale Address0x032cdC44Be8C1a2e74B6D1CD55df121Ab5D2A848  
Token NameMemetron
Token SymbolMMTN
Token Decimals9
Token Address0x71941c075FD20c96801C8727c2c00E6eF7538C7a

(Do not send BNB to the token address!)
Total Supply426,000,000,000 MMTN
Tokens For Presale255,600,000,000 MMTN
Tokens For Liquidity145,692,000,000 MMTN
Soft Cap15 BNB
Presale Start Time2023.06.25 20:00 (UTC)
Presale End Time2023.06.28 20:00 (UTC)
Listing OnPancakeswap
Liquidity Percent60%
Liquidity Lockup Time500 days after pool ends

3. Roadmap and Updates

Phase 1: Launch and Consolidation

  • Q3 2023: Memetron Token launch via PinkSale
  • Q3-Q4 2023: Community consolidation and strategic partnership development
  • Q4 2023: Memetron listing on popular exchanges

Phase 2: Ecosystem Enhancement

  • Q1 2024: Development and launch of the Memetron NFT creation platform
  • Q2 2024: Implementation of NFT Staking system for additional rewards
  • Q3 2024: Integration with other NFT platforms and partnerships with renowned artists

Phase 3: Expansion and Growth

  • Q4 2024: Launch of marketing campaigns to increase Memetron and NFT ecosystem adoption
  • Q1 2025: Exploration of partnerships with complementary projects in the crypto art and NFT industry
  • Q2 2025: Expansion to other NFT-compatible chains and interconnectivity

4. Community




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