MemeCoin X

1What is MemeCoin X ?

MemeCoin X, branded as ‘The Future of Creativity,’ is a groundbreaking initiative blending the viral nature of memes with blockchain’s technological prowess. This platform offers the meme community a unique space to harness their creativity for economic gain, enabling the creation, sharing, and trading of meme-based NFTs. Beyond being a mere cryptocurrency, MemeCoin X represents a cultural shift, encouraging active community participation through rewards, voting, and partnerships with major social platforms. The project’s roadmap promises a user-centric evolution, focusing on interface enhancements, scalability, and expanding its NFT marketplace with exclusive collaborations. Furthermore, MemeCoin X’s vision extends to integrating DeFi features, ensuring cross-chain compatibility, and emphasizing global outreach and environmental responsibility, making it a comprehensive ecosystem for meme enthusiasts worldwide.

2. Token Sales and Economics

Presale Address0x18aAA6BB7596e4C2C599e4a30E8462D458ab6910
Token NameMemeCoinX
Token SymbolMCX
Token Decimals9
Token Address0xFa41B0000841DEB7AF7d60301533b216d18a6C53
Total Supply1,000,000,000 MCX
Tokens For Presale400,000,000 MCX
Tokens For Liquidity193,800,000 MCX
Initial Market Cap (estimate)$8,789
Soft Cap10 BNB
Presale Start Time2024.03.26 20:00 (UTC)
Presale End Time2024.04.01 22:00 (UTC)
Listing OnPancakeswap
Liquidity Percent51%
Liquidity Lockup Time365 days after pool ends
Burn200 million tokens (200,000,000 MCX, 20%)
Presale400 million tokens (400,000,000 MCX, 40%)
Liquidity193.8 million tokens (193,800,000 MCX, 19.38%)
Centralized Exchanges150 million tokens (150,000,000 MCX, 15%)
Bonuses and Rewards36.2 million tokens (36,200,000 MCX, 3.62%)
Reserve10 million tokens (10,000,000 MCX, 1%)
Team and Development10 million tokens (10,000,000 MCX, 1%)

3. Roadmap and Updates

Phase 1: Foundation (Q4 2023 – Q1 2024)

– Research and conceptualization of MemeCoin X project

– Assemble a dedicated team of developers, designers, and marketers

– Conduct market analysis and identify target audience

– Develop the initial version of the MemeCoin X platform

– Establish partnerships with meme influencers and communities

Phase 2: Platform Launch and User Acquisition (Q1 2024 – Q2 2024)

– Run Launchpad on Pinksale

– Launch the MemeCoin X (MCX) token and integrate it into the platform

– Onboard meme creators and users to the platform

– Implement community engagement programs to encourage user participation

– Conduct marketing campaigns to raise awareness and attract a wide user base

Phase 3: Enhanced Features and NFT Integration (Q2 2024 – Q3 2024)

– Launch the MemeCoin X platform with basic meme creation and sharing features.

– Introduce advanced meme creation tools and templates

– Implement a voting system for users to curate and rank memes

– Develop an NFT marketplace for meme-based collectibles

– Launch partnerships with artists and meme creators to release exclusive NFTs

– Improve the platform’s social interaction features and integration with popular social media platforms.

Phase 4: Tokenomics and Governance (Q2 2024)

– Enable staking mechanisms so users can earn rewards

– Implement on-chain governance for the community to participate in decision-making

– Establish partnerships with cryptocurrency exchanges for MCX token listing

– Conduct token sale events to increase liquidity and fund further development

Phase 5: Expansion and Partnerships (Q2 2024 – onwards)

– Scale the platform’s infrastructure to accommodate a growing user base

– Expand partnerships with projects related to memes, social media platforms and influencers.

– Explore strategic collaborations to integrate MemeCoin X into other platforms and ecosystems.

– Continuously improve the platform based on user feedback and market trends.

– Foster the growth of the MemeCoin X community and ecosystem

4. Community




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