
$KOJO, a community-driven cryptocurrency, emphasizes organic growth and engagement, with a transparent launch and zero tax on trades.

1What is Kojo ?

$KOJO is a new entrant in the cryptocurrency space, introduced during a period marked by remarkable growth and diversification of digital assets over the past decade. The currency positions itself not merely as a digital asset but as a burgeoning movement, underlined by its deep-rooted community focus.

Key highlights about $KOJO:

  1. Community-Centric Ethos: At its heart, KOJO is powered by a passionate community. This community is actively engaged, consistently creating and sharing memes, showcasing its dedication and spirited vibe.
  2. Memes & Dreams: These words capture the essence of the KOJO community. They not only represent the light-hearted and creative aspect of the community but also its ambition and aspirations for the currency’s future.
  3. 100% Community Owned: Reflecting its democratic approach, KOJO emphasizes its lack of developer or marketing wallets. This means that decision-making, growth strategies, and future developments are likely driven by community consensus.
  4. Transparent Launch: KOJO prides itself on its stealth launch from a mere 1eth, which speaks to its grassroots origin and might appeal to those who value organic growth and decentralized beginnings.

In essence, $KOJO is a community-driven cryptocurrency that emphasizes engagement, transparency, and organic growth. With its community at the helm, it aims to navigate the dynamic world of digital assets while fostering a sense of belonging and shared purpose among its members.

2. Token Sales and Economics

Token Name : Kojo
Token Symbol : Kojo
Token Decimal : 18
Total Supply : 420,690,000,000
Holder Count : 1
Contract Address :0x647A15E6735500CC0fDfA1D5C17f085f48F9359F
Contract Verified? : Yes
Projects Age : 8 days, 20h, 24m
Contract Type : ERC20
Compiler : v0.8.4+commit.c7e474f2
Sol License : MIT
Contract Name : StandardToken
Contract Created : Sep-24-2023 11:58:35 AM +UTC
Contract Language : Solidity
Related Audit : Available

50% Burned / 45% Lp / 5% Cex

Trading :

0% Buy tax

0% Sell tax

3. Roadmap and Updates

Phase 1


-Website and Kojonomics

-Security Audit

-Establish initial community

Phase 2

-Token Fairlaunch

-Lock LP + Renounce

-CMC & CG Apply

-ETH Trending Apply

Phase 3

-Listing on all Crypto plateform

-Dextools Update

-Event on TG Group

-$KOJO Trending on Twitter

Phase 4

-$KOJO Merch

-$KOJO Tools

-CEX Listing (5K Holders)

-$KOJO Takeover

4. Community




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