
Discover GrokElon: A unique NFT exchange platform offering exclusive marketplace access and potential as a memecoin.

What is GrokElon ?

GrokElon presents itself as an innovative NFT exchange platform, distinctively positioned to bridge the gap between creative artists and art enthusiasts. Its primary offering is the GROKElon token, which not only serves as a key to access its NFT Marketplace but also holds the potential to emerge as a significant memecoin.

Key Features and Offerings of GrokElon:

  1. NFT Marketplace Access: Owning GROKElon tokens grants users access to a diverse and potentially surprising NFT marketplace. This marketplace is designed to offer numerous benefits and exclusive opportunities for its users.
  2. Potential as a Memecoin: Alongside its functional role in the NFT marketplace, $GROKElon is also poised to make a mark as a memecoin, adding an element of intrigue and popularity in the crypto community.
  3. NFT Marketplace Development: The future plan includes the development of the NFT Marketplace where $GROKElon will be used as the local digital currency. This marketplace aims to initially host 10 thousand members.
  4. User Engagement and Creativity: Users are encouraged to create and upload their own NFTs, thereby fostering a community of true art lovers and creators. This feature enhances user interaction and participation in the marketplace.


GrokElon appears to be a comprehensive platform designed for the NFT space, offering a unique blend of a community-driven approach, an engaging marketplace, and the potential for its native token to become a notable memecoin. Its focus on connecting artists with art lovers and its strategic planning for future development positions it as an intriguing option for those interested in the evolving world of NFTs and cryptocurrency.

Token Sales and Economics

Token NameGrokElon
Token SymbolGrokElon
Token Decimal18
Total Supply150,000,000
Holder Count148
Contract Address0x48440289f9a5607f4148Dd2BA236b5A945a802D7
Contract Verified?Yes
Project’s Age4 days, 2h, 28m
Contract TypeBEP20
Sol LicenseMIT
Contract NameBABYTOKEN
Contract CreatedDec-15-2023 06:42:42 AM +UTC
Contract LanguageSolidity
Related Audit0 Available

Roadmap and Updates

Stage 1

  • Idea
  • Website
  • Pinksale Presale
  • Pancakeswap Launch
  • TW/TG KOLS Marketing
  • CMC/CG Listing
  • 1000 Holders
  • Ave Logo Update
  • Dexview Trend
  • Dextools Trend

Stage 2

  • Meme Contest
  • Social Media
  • Campaign
  • NFT Marketplace Launch

Stage 3

  • GROK Elon NFT
  • Release Airdrop
  • Meme Partnership
  • Bitmart/LBank Listing

Stage 4

  • 10000 Holders
  • Big Buy Competition Volunteer Competition





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