Get Rich With Meme

$MEMEMEME$, a community-centric meme token, aims to empower through humor in finance, providing a unique blend of fun and potential growth.

1What is Get Rich With Meme ?

The $MEMEMEME$ Token is a cryptocurrency token introduced as part of a project that emphasizes the potential of collective financial power, drawing inspiration from historical financial events and recent crypto movements. The token is named “get rich with meme” and has the symbol $MEMEMEME$.

Review of the $MEMEMEME$ Token Whitepaper:

1. Presentation and Structure: The whitepaper provides a brief background and context for the token, reflecting on the history of financial bubbles and the opportunities provided by recent crypto movements. It’s written in a colloquial and casual tone, which might appeal to some, but might also come off as less professional to others.

2. Token Information: The details regarding the token are clearly laid out, from its name and symbol to its total supply and other technical details. The inclusion of contract verification, compiler, and related audit details is commendable as it emphasizes transparency.

3. Critiques:

  • Tone and Language: The paper seems to focus a lot on the potential for getting rich without providing substantial details about how the token or its associated platform will facilitate this. This might raise eyebrows, as many pyramid schemes and scams often use such rhetoric. It would be beneficial to provide more concrete information on the token’s utility, goals, and plans for the future.
  • Purpose of Token: The actual use case for the $MEMEMEME$ token isn’t clear. Why does this token exist, and what problem does it solve? Does it provide a solution in the DeFi space, NFTs, or something else entirely?
  • Economic Model: How is the token’s value supposed to grow? Is it purely through speculation, or is there an underlying mechanism that will drive demand for the token?
  • Risk Factors: All investments come with risks. It would be beneficial to have a section that outlines the risks associated with this investment to show potential investors that you’ve considered and planned for potential challenges.
  • Historical References: The references to Gordon Gecko and The Wolf of Wallstreet might not be the best choices. Both characters, while iconic, are associated with greed, ethical challenges, and even criminal activities. Unless this is the intended sentiment, it might be wise to reconsider these references.
  • Audit: It’s mentioned that a related audit is available. Providing a link or access to this audit can further boost the confidence of potential investors.

4. Overall Assessment: The whitepaper provides some crucial technical details about the token. However, it’s crucial to include more information about the token’s utility, long-term goals, and team behind it. Potential investors look for sustainable and tangible value in a project, not just promises of riches.


  1. Clarify the token’s purpose and its value proposition.
  2. Consider changing or adding historical references that highlight positive and sustainable financial growth or innovation.
  3. Expand on the team behind the token, their credentials, and experience.
  4. If there are partnerships, future plans, or developments in the pipeline, mention them.
  5. Ensure that the language remains accessible but veer towards a more professional tone.

2. Token Sales and Economics

Token Name : get rich with meme
Token Symbol : $MEMEMEME$
Token Decimal : 9
Total Supply : 1,000,000,000,000,000,000
Holder Count : 4
Contract Address : 0x2563A4f7c37F2AcA9f3222DeF6849C4156D6f9D2
Contract Verified? : Yes
Projects Age : 5 days, 18h, 43m
Contract Type : BEP20
Compiler : v0.8.4+commit.c7e474f2
Sol License : MIT
Contract Name : StandardToken
Contract Created : Sep-27-2023 12:01:12 PM +UTC
Contract Language : Solidity
Related Audit : Available





BUY = 0%

SELL = 10%

(5% REFI / 5% LQ)

3. Roadmap and Updates


  • Smart Contract
  • Development:Secure and audited smart contract for $MEMEMEME$ token to ensure transparency and trust.
  • Community Building: Telegram & Twitter – Get ready for the hype train with a strong and engaged $MEMEMEME$ community.
  • Branding and Marketing:Spread the word about get rich with Memes with a comprehensive marketing campaign. Let’s go viral!
  • Partnerships: Collaborate with meme creators, influencers, and content platforms. Let’s join forces and spread the Wall Street Memes movement!
  • Token Launch:get rich with Memes ($MEMEMEME) token officially takes off. Get ready to the moon!


  • Token Listings:Launch
  • $MEMEMEME$ token on popular DEXS with ample liquidity and accessibility. Trade with ease. Exchange Listings: Level up our trading game with listings on established CEXS. Reach more people. Awareness Campaigns: Take the get rich with Memes revolution mainstream. Media, influencers, and popular platforms, we’re coming for you!
  • Gated Community:Unlock exclusive benefits in the MEMEMEME gated community. Early updates, exclusive content, and interactive experiences await you!
  • Tier 1 CEX Listings:Get listed on top-tier CEXS. Boost liquidity,
  • accessibility, and reach for all get rich with Memes warriors!

4. Community




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