Join the Elric Token community, inspired by Fullmetal Alchemist, offering a unique cryptocurrency experience with a focus on transparency, anti-bot and anti-whale mechanisms, and a strong marketing foundation.

1What is ELRIC ?

Elric Token is a community-focused cryptocurrency project that aims to provide a unique experience for its users, inspired by the journey of Edward Elric, the protagonist of the manga Fullmetal Alchemist. The project highlights several key features:

  1. Transparency: Elric Token emphasizes transparency, and its development team has a background in marketing. They claim to be the first to display impressive growth records among community tokens.
  2. Community Token: Elric Token positions itself as a community token, which means it encourages active participation from its user base. Community involvement is a central aspect of the project.
  3. Smart Contract: The project’s smart contract includes anti-bot and anti-whale mechanisms to protect against manipulation in the market. Furthermore, the contract is renounced right after launch, ensuring decentralization and preventing the development team from having control over the token’s supply and functions.
  4. Supply and Liquidity: Elric Token is backed by a team with skills and experience in marketing, as well as finance. It advises users to create a wallet and fund it with Binance Coin (BNB), ensuring that users have sufficient gas fees for transactions.

While the provided information gives an overview of the project’s transparency, community focus, and some technical details, it lacks specific details about the token’s use case, utility, and the identity of the team members. To gain a clearer understanding of Elric Token’s potential, investors may need to seek more comprehensive information, particularly regarding the project’s goals and how it plans to distinguish itself in the competitive cryptocurrency market.

2. Token Sales and Economics

Token NameELRIC
Token SymbolELRIC
Token Decimal18
Total SupplyNaN
Contract Address0x614566f4D53E772F18faF6C28d6DFe37fF744c1b
Projects Age2 days, 15h, 59m
Contract TypeBEP20
Sol LicenseMIT
Contract CreatedNov-04-2023 10:38:15 AM +UTC
Contract LanguageSolidity
Related AuditAvailable
Pre sale15%
Cex Listing8%

Distribution of Tax

BUY 3%


3. Roadmap and Updates

Stage 1

BSC contract creation

  • – Launch at Pinksale
  • – Lock Liquidity with Pinksale
  • – PancakeSwap listing
  • – Introduce $ELRC TOKEN
  • – Litepaper

Stage 2

CoinMarketCap listing

  • CoinGecko listing
  • BSCscan info update
  • Building community
  • Big marketing campaigns

Stage 3

  • – Get community feedbacks
  • – Publishing press release
  • – Whitepaper
  • – New partnerships
  • – Tier 1 exchange listing

Stage 4

  • Big marketing push
  • Update logo on TrustWallet
  • Roadmap V2
  • Elric merch
  • Buyback

4. Community




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