1What is E.T.ERIUM Token ?

E.T.ERIUM Token ($ETER) emerges as a unique liquidity and yield-generating meme token on the Binance Smart Chain (BSC). It marries the lighthearted appeal of meme tokens with serious technological innovations involving Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs). Positioned as a platform to catalyze community engagement and participation, E.T.ERIUM aims to redefine norms within the crypto market through its innovative approach.

Tokenomics and Utility

E.T.ERIUM’s tokenomics are designed to incentivize holders and sustain the token’s ecosystem. Each transaction levies a total fee of 5%, split equally to support yield generation and liquidity enhancement:

  • Yield Generation: 1.5% of transaction fees are redistributed to token holders, fostering an environment that rewards long-term investment and community participation.
  • Liquidity Support: Another 1.5% contributes to the liquidity pool, ensuring the token’s trading stability and availability.
  • Development Fund: 2% of the transaction fees are allocated for future development, securing both growth and technological advancement of the platform.

NFT Integration and Marketplace

A standout feature of the E.T.ERIUM project is its integration with NFTs, facilitated through a dedicated marketplace on the Ethereum and Polygon blockchains. This integration not only diversifies the use cases of $ETER but also enhances its value proposition by tapping into the burgeoning NFT market. The E.T.ERIUM NFT Marketplace provides a seamless platform for users to mint, trade, and collect NFTs, thereby enriching the community experience and offering creators a new avenue for monetization.

Ecosystem and Community Engagement

The E.T.ERIUM ecosystem is robust, supported by its dual-chain NFT contracts and the Eterium Token Club. The dual-chain approach ensures quick, cost-effective transactions which are critical in the fast-paced NFT market. Moreover, the community-centric features of E.T.ERIUM, coupled with its meme token nature, aim to create a vibrant, engaging, and inclusive environment for crypto enthusiasts.


E.T.ERIUM Token stands out by effectively combining the playful culture of meme tokens with practical, value-adding features through NFTs and yield generation. Its focus on community engagement and the innovative use of blockchain technology positions it as a noteworthy contender in the crowded meme token landscape. As the project develops and expands its features, it holds the potential to captivate a broad audience of crypto investors and NFT aficionados alike.

2. Token Sales and Economics

Token NameE.T.ERIUM Token
Token SymbolETER
Token Decimal9
Total Supply10,000,000,000,000
Holder Count10
Contract Address0x83ec779036C6d9EdDC94FEc8859dfDc05e319fd0
Contract Verified?Yes
Contract TypeBEP20
Sol LicenseMIT
Contract NameLiquidityGeneratorToken
Contract CreatedMay-27-2023 07:58:59 PM +UTC
Contract LanguageSolidity
Related Audit0 Available

3. Roadmap and Updates

4. Community




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