1What is DOGE 6 PACKS ?

Doge 6 Packs introduces itself as a unique blend of fun, health, and inspiration. Rooted in the widely recognized Doge family, which includes icons such as Dogecoin, Shiba Inu, and Floki, Doge 6 Packs distinguishes itself as the first NFT meme metaverse game. It’s designed to infuse a sense of joy and wellness, making it more than just a game—it’s a lifestyle enhancer.

Mission and Community Engagement

Doge 6 Packs is not merely a gaming platform; it is a mission-oriented ecosystem aimed at building a global community. This community is united by a shared affection for the Doge theme and a collective commitment to health, kindness, and mutual upliftment. The game encourages players not only to strive for virtual gains but to mirror these achievements in their real lives, promoting a holistic approach to wellness and happiness.

Gameplay and Innovation

At its core, Doge 6 Packs revolves around continuous self-improvement and community building. The game’s innovative “Play to Earn” model is particularly noteworthy. Players can earn rewards by engaging in gameplay that promotes real-life health and wellness goals. This approach not only makes the game exciting and engaging but also aligns with the developers’ vision of offering tangible life benefits through virtual gameplay.

Utility Token and Its Uses

The in-game utility token, $Doge6p, is central to the gameplay and user engagement in Doge 6 Packs. It serves multiple purposes, enhancing the gaming experience by allowing players to speed up build times, boost energy levels, and access special items. Furthermore, $Doge6p can be used for unlocking new skins, XP, and skill enhancers, as well as for purchasing NFTs and pets. The token also facilitates broader community involvement through staking, membership privileges, and voting mechanisms, ensuring that players have a stake in the game’s development and governance.

2. Token Sales and Economics

Token NameDOGE 6 PACKS
Token SymbolDOGE6P
Token Decimal18
Total Supply10,000,000,000,000
Holder Count1
Contract Address0x3c6c220B2ACb6dd5F58ae1EF4c883F36a31c1c3A
Contract Verified?Yes
Project’s Age11 days, 13h, 59m
Contract TypeBEP20
Sol LicenseNone
Contract NameToken
Contract CreatedApr-04-2024 01:02:20 PM +UTC
Contract LanguageSolidity
Play to Earn Reward45%
Marketing to Expand Community5%
Token Sale10%
Team2% (lock 2 years after listing)

3. Roadmap and Updates

Q2 – 2023: Doge 6 Packs meme NFTs metaverse game built up idea

Q3 – 2023: Complete all design, economic model and NFTs model

Q4 – 2023: Beta testnet

Q1 – 2024: Mainnet launch, free to play version will be launched

Q2 – 2024: Play to earn version will be launched

Q3 – 2024: More gym machine, workout and cardio lesson for NFTs

Q4 – 2024: Crowned Gym clubs online update.

4. Community




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