
1What is Conan ?

Conan is a cryptocurrency token on the Ethereum blockchain with a vision to blend the spirited world of memecoins with practical utility. Its innovative economic model, driven by a zero transaction tax policy and a large supply, aims to encourage widespread use while supporting charitable causes for military service personnel.

Tokenomics and Technical Aspects:

  • Supply & Fees:
    With a total supply of one trillion coins and no transaction tax, Conan ensures that users can transfer tokens without losing value to fees, encouraging high transaction volume.
  • Decentralized Foundation:
    Launched in December 2023, Conan operates as a fully decentralized community-driven project. The contract was renounced, and liquidity burned to establish a structure that empowers the community to shape its future.

Community and Ecosystem:

  • Charitable Commitments:
    Conan’s community takes philanthropy seriously, supporting charities like Semper K9 Assistance Dogs and the Wounded Warrior Project. A dedicated donation wallet ensures direct contributions via The Giving Block platform.
  • Integration and Adoption:
    By fostering a positive and welcoming environment with its zero-tax model, Conan seeks adoption within various online communities, whether for casual transactions or more functional utility.

Social Impact Partnerships:

  • Semper K9 Assistance Dogs:
    This charity provides service dogs for wounded veterans with mobility challenges and psychiatric alert needs. Their assistance dogs are custom-trained and offered free of charge.
  • Wounded Warrior Project:
    The Wounded Warrior Project (WWP) aids veterans and active-duty service members with mental health support, career counseling, and rehabilitative care.

Strengths and Challenges:


  • Zero Tax Policy: No transaction tax makes it easier for newcomers to participate and build value.
  • Community Ownership: A decentralized approach ensures the community has full control.
  • Charitable Impact: Partnerships with reputable organizations attract those seeking to invest ethically.
  • Challenges:
  • Market Saturation: As the memecoin space is crowded, Conan must distinguish itself through its unique approach and utility.
  • Sustained Interest: Maintaining engagement beyond the initial hype will require consistent community development.

2. Token Sales and Economics

Here’s the table without bold formatting:

Token NameConan
Token SymbolCONAN
Token Decimal9
Total Supply1,000,000,000,000
Holder Count7,022
Contract Address0x85D19fb57CA7DA715695FCf347CA2169144523a7
Contract VerifiedYes
Project Age4 months, 139 days, 19h
Contract TypeERC20
Sol LicenseUnlicense
Contract NameCONAN
Contract CreatedDec-19-2023 08:12:35 AM +UTC
Contract LanguageSolidity

3. Roadmap and Updates

4. Community




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