Explore Billionaires Pixel Club: A unique NFT and crypto fusion, using a 1M pixel canvas to enhance BPC token value through burns.

What is Billionaires Pixel Club ?

The Billionaire Pixel Club (BPC) introduces an innovative blend of NFT artistry and cryptocurrency, centered around a digital canvas of 1,000 x 1,000 pixels, equating to a total of 1,000,000 pixels. The project token, BPC, plays a pivotal role in this ecosystem, with its value intricately linked to the purchase and utilization of these pixels. The unique selling proposition lies in the burning mechanism of BPC tokens upon pixel purchase, designed to progressively enhance the token’s value.

Key Details & Features

  • Total Pixels for Sale: 1,000,000 pixels
  • Pixel Pricing: $1 BUSD or equivalent in BPC token
  • Purchase Limits: Minimum of 3×3 pixels and a maximum of 100×70 pixels
  • Token Burn Mechanism: BPC tokens used for purchases are manually burned to increment the value of remaining tokens.
  • URL Linking: Each pixel purchase allows for the embedding of any URL, providing permanent internet presence and marketing leverage.
  • Marketing and Promotion: Extensive promotion across social media, periodic advertisement by third parties, and content creation by social media writers to boost project visibility.
  • Longevity and Visibility: Upon selling all pixels, the project transitions into an NFT for sale, ensuring a 10-year guaranteed online presence and continuous promotion.
  • Advantages: Offers a multitude of benefits including low-cost advertising, SEO marketing, and embedding in a unique NFT format.

Competition and Rewards

Post-sale, a lottery offers substantial rewards, ranging from $100,000 for the grand prize to $500 for places 11th to 50th, further incentivizing participation and engagement within the project.


The Billionaire Pixel Club (BPC) project stands out for its inventive approach to integrating NFTs with cryptocurrency, offering tangible benefits to token holders and participants. The strategy of burning BPC tokens to elevate value, coupled with the project’s marketing endeavors, presents a compelling case for potential growth and engagement. Additionally, the project offers a unique advertising opportunity for businesses and individuals seeking a novel way to enhance their online presence and SEO.

However, potential participants should consider the inherent risks of NFT and cryptocurrency investments, including market volatility and project sustainability. The success of BPC will largely depend on its ability to attract buyers and maintain interest over time, making community engagement and continuous development crucial.

Token Sales and Economics

Token Symbol$BPC$
Token Decimal9
Total Supply1,000,000,000
Holder Count5
Contract Address0x62fE5Bb971E9582F544972e5Fc01D8cC27c22Fcf
Contract Verified?Yes
Project’s Age14 days, 12h, 14m
Contract TypeBEP20
Sol LicenseMIT
Contract NameLiquidityGeneratorToken
Contract CreatedJan-22-2024 02:27:03 PM +UTC
Contract LanguageSolidity
Related AuditAvailable

Roadmap and Updates

Phase 1

  • Develop source code
  • initial Website
  • initial social media
  • ICO / IPO
  • add Liquidty
  • sell first Pixels (5.000)

Phase 2

  • gain more holder 
  • gain more investor 
  • social media Swapping 
  • Defi lock Liquidty
  • 1000 Holder
  • 1250 Transfers
  • selled total Pixels (15.000)

Phase 3

  • Tracking / SEO / Backend 
  • Auditing by Certik
  • prepare for Exchange listing 
  • 3000 Holder
  • 4000 Transfers
  • selled total Pixels (50.000)

Phase 4

  • 2 more Swapping Defi´s
  • Prepareing for coinmarketcap & coingecko 
  • initial Exchange listing
  • 6000 Holder
  • 8000 Transfers 
  • Renounce Ownership
  • selled total Pixels (100.000)

Phase 5

  • coinmarketcap & coingecko listing 
  • 2 Exchange listings
  • initial manual Liquidty 
  • initial manual burn 
  • Marketmaker funktion 
  • 10000 Holder
  • 15000 Transfers
  • selled total Pixels (250.000)










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