
1What is AlphaChad ?

AlphaChad Token positions itself as a significant player in the cryptocurrency meme space, branding itself as the “ultimate crypto meme king.” The token is launched with an ambition to revitalize the meme culture within the crypto community, aiming to lead its holders to the “apex of memedom.” It promotes a community-driven approach, encouraging participation under the banner of the “AlphaChad army.”

Total Supply and Distribution

The total supply of AlphaChad Tokens is set at 1 billion. The distribution strategy includes a substantial commitment to liquidity, with 93% (930 million tokens) allocated to ensure smooth and robust market operations. Additionally, the token structure includes 3% (30 million tokens) reserved for marketing efforts. This fund is intended to drive visibility and hype in the cryptocurrency community, an essential aspect for meme-based tokens. Another 4% (40 million tokens) is earmarked for the Centralized Exchange (CEX) Wallet, aimed at enhancing the token’s trading capabilities and ensuring its presence in the digital asset exchanges.

No Tax Structure

A key feature of the AlphaChad Token is its no-tax policy. This approach is relatively uncommon in the crypto space, where transaction fees or “taxes” are often used to fund various tokenomics activities like liquidity, rewards, or burning mechanisms. The lack of taxes is marketed as a benefit, emphasizing transparency and direct benefits to the token holders, akin to “enjoying tokens without any hidden charges.”

2. Token Sales and Economics

Token NameAlphaChad
Token SymbolAchd
Token Decimal9
Total Supply999,986,227
Contract Addresss2pH6W3A6LCt39Y3FDSFZDqqA3FjHDSu3UUXxmYuxUPwj
Contract Verified?Yes
Owner Program2pH6W3A6LCt39Y3FDSFZDqqA3FjHDSu3UUXxmYuxUPwj
Contract TypeSOLANA
Contract LanguageRust
Token Standard2
Edition Nonce254
Related Audit0 (Available)

3. Roadmap and Updates

Phase 1: The AlphaChad Awakens

  1. Launch
  2. CoinGecko/CoinMarketCap Listings
  3. Attracting 2,000+ swole holders
  4. AlphaChad flexes its biceps on Twitter
  5. Website & Socials

Phase 2: The Chadventures Begin

  1. Community AlphaChad Cheesy Jokes of the week Newsletter
  2. Token-gated Discord group (BYOB – Bring Your Own Biceps)
  3. 20,000+ holders, all sporting Chad-like grins
  4. Dashboard Developer

Phase 3: Rise of the Chads

  1. AlphaChad NFTs (that’ll make your grandma 💦)
  2. AlphaChad Merch (with extra muscle room)
  3. 200,000+ holders, each one more Chad-like than the last
  4. Taco Tuesday becomes an international holiday (because why not?)

4. Community




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