Arab Hyperl@@p

Explore Arab Hyperloop: A token linking innovative Middle East transportation with blockchain, enhancing travel and investment.

What is Arab Hyperl@@p?

The Arab Hyperloop (AHL) token is linked to a pioneering transportation project aiming to connect major cities in the Middle East, like Riyadh, Jeddah, and Abu Dhabi, through the Hyperloop system. The token’s role is twofold: it acts as an investment vehicle in this ambitious project and serves as a means of payment within the associated ecosystem.

Ecosystem and Integration:

AHL is central to an ecosystem that includes the Hyperloop and various service providers. The ecosystem is unique in that it blends physical transportation services with digital tokenization, allowing for a seamless customer experience. The token operates in a system where it can represent different values, such as travel distances, services, and other customer benefits. This approach is innovative, as it leverages blockchain technology to integrate various components of the travel experience.

Tokenization and Blockchain Use:
The AHL token represents an advanced use of blockchain for creating a tokenized ecosystem. The choice of blockchain is strategic, ensuring decentralized value sharing and fostering trust among ecosystem participants. The token can represent various assets and values, transforming traditional reward systems into a more dynamic, blockchain-based model.

Roles and Processes:
Within this ecosystem, different roles are assigned: Hyperloop as the issuing entity, providers offering tokens, collectors managing token transfers, and consumers using tokens. The process includes initial token sales, collection, transfer, and issuance of new tokens as the network grows. This structure promotes an evolving, scalable ecosystem.

Usage and Benefits:
The AHL token offers significant benefits, including the ability to convert tokens based on time, location, or events. This flexibility enhances customer experience, providing options like converting tokens in case of route suspensions or train delays. The ecosystem’s design, built around smart contracts, enables automatic conversions based on predefined criteria, adding a layer of efficiency and responsiveness.

The Arab Hyperloop token represents a forward-thinking integration of blockchain technology in the transportation sector. Its role in creating a seamless, integrated travel experience, combined with its environmental focus, positions it as a unique player in both the crypto and transportation industries. The project’s success could set a precedent for how blockchain can revolutionize traditional industry sectors.

Token Sales and Economics

Presale Address0xed30A713ea97A6DC3CA1d42b8153DEc45562dAC6
Token NameArab Hyperl@@p
Token Symbol🚝AHL
Token Decimals9
Token Address0xB58bCD77A4cCEe0feF7501b638903D3884D82C4a
Total Supply1,000,000,000 🚝AHL
Tokens For Presale330,000,000 🚝AHL
Tokens For Liquidity164,934,000 🚝AHL
Initial Market Cap (estimate)$9,338
Soft Cap20 BNB
Presale Start Time2024.02.01 13:00 (UTC)
Presale End Time2024.02.02 15:00 (UTC)
Listing OnPancakeswap
Liquidity Percent51%
Liquidity Lockup Time180 days after pool ends

Roadmap and Updates

Q1 2024

  • Contract
  • Audit
  • KYC
  • Listing on Pancakeswap
  • Promotion discounts for PinkVote holders
  • LP lock tracking and safety indicators.
  • Listing on CoinMarketCap
  • Listing on CoinGecko
  • Marketing Campaign

Q2 2024

  • Improve payment System
  • Improve Cargo & booking System
  • Strengthening our Partnerships
  • Investigate listing AHL Token in further exchanges
  • Strengthening our Partnerships
  • Investigate listing AHL Token in further exchanges
  • Start Hiring process, Content Writer
  • Improve our blog

Q3 2024

  • Strengthening our Partnerships
  • Investigate listing AHL Token in further exchanges
  • adopt Mainstream tokens (BTC, ETH, etc.) to payment system
  • Create a public DAPP for token information and prices.
  • Improve APP
  • Improve Wallet

Q4 2024

  • Hiring process, 1 more software engineer
  • Mainstream running System
  • Inhouse trading /exchange application and benefit System










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